Upset stomach! Loose stomach! Looks like in the 5th month of pregnancy all the time? THIS IS NOT NORMAL!
Back pain when you wake up in the morning, or during exercises, or after a long day of work – THIS IS NOT NORMAL!
Too much belly fat and a feeling of unhappiness – THIS IS NOT NORMAL!
Living with that stomach is like a “headache” for life! Stomach problems really spoil the mood and lower self-esteem, don’t you agree?
And all these things affect the activation of the abdominal muscles! Which means that any exercises are INEFFECTIVE and even unpleasant to do!
Are you tired of hearing in your head, “I’ll probably never get my stomach together!”, “My stomach has a terrible scar – I’m ashamed!”, “My stomach hurts so often and it seems like I’m not digesting anything!” “Everything I do doesn’t work!
Fortunately, you have arrived in my world, where everything is possible even better 😀
The stomach is our center for feeling well-being and happiness!
In anyway – Your stomach is Your EMOTIONS – and your emotions are Your STOMACH!
If your stomach is not satisfied – YOU WILL ALWAYS BE DISSATISFIED! And the BACK will suffer too!
First you will listen to the first lectures/informatives to understand where everything is located in your body!
You will start practicing Abdominal fascial massage every day for 10 minutes and you will add one exercise that you will perform for a maximum of 5 minutes for the first 2 weeks.
Each subsequent week we will increase the time until the total time is 21 min. SOUNDS EASY, right? Don't believe this one works? 😀 The best thing is that you don't even need a tracksuit or wait for the right moment 😀
For an even better effect, you can add ADDITIONAL PRACTICES that work perfectly on EMOTIONAL EATING! Also available is a training program that you can add starting from 2 weeks, once or twice a week. This is recommended when you are overweight , and the stomach is leaning forward!
Meditation, which will take 23 minutes, before going to sleep, at least 3 times a week 😊 As well as a short meditation of 6 min!
After the purchase the course you will be subscribe monthly, until you cancel it!
THIS IS 10000% EFFECTIVE AND PROVEN! I have done research twice, both when I graduated in physiotherapy and in my master’s degree in sports science! There were many women who had caesarean scars and we explored exactly the combination of these two, my unique technique.
The women were of average build, their stomachs were “fallen out”, weak. The age of the cut scar from 6 years, up to 15 years, and even 3 x cut wound (repeated caesareans) The scars were both hard, thick and soft. Abdomen went over the scar – hard or soft adipose tissue over the scar! A couple of the participants had diastasis recti (which I actually couldn’t officially include in my MA thesis, but I was super curious to see if it would work for them too!)
Complaints mentioned by research participants:
After the application of specific physiotherapy tests, in determining the strength of the corset, all the ladies had weak deep musculature!
The study lasted 6 weeks. All participants were divided into 2 groups. One where they performed TRX exercises 2x a week accompanied by me for 50 min. The other group performed these 2 UNIQUE methods at home, 5 times a week, the first 2 weeks for 10 minutes a day, and increased to 21 minutes a day!
After 6 weeks, I proved that the deep muscles of all the participants were much stronger!!!! Unbelievable?
I proved that with very simple 2 methods, a woman can make her corset stronger AT HOME!
After the study, the PARTICIPANTS said:
The other group claimed:
With all this, I want to tell you – whatever your situation is with taking time for yourself, YOU CAN ALSO HAVE GREAT RESULTS DOING IT AT HOME, EVEN IN YOUR NIGHT SHIRT IN THE MORNING OR LUNCH OR EVENING! Start with this, and you will be as surprised as all my clients, how amazingly easy and effective it is!!!
Ieva Ķirpa is a physical and mental health Mentor, researcher, enthusiast. Since 2013, she has been working through the physical body with people in Latvia, and since 2017 she has also been working through psychosomatics. Ieva is the creator of several Author Projects, as the Founder of “Sieviete Radītāja”, which is the most unique self-development Women’s project, and the only such project in Latvia! The project was founded in 2020, and several thousand Latvian women have experienced it. “Rebirth” program, “Superwoman” which is a special project with its ingenious meditations, etc. courses.
Ieva is a unique massage therapist who has been combining knowledge of anatomy and physiology with visceral science and tantra magic for several years, and from 2022 she also teaches massage workshops for couples in person. Ieva’s experience has been very intensive and informative in this industry. Eve’s goal is to transform a million people and show how phenomenal we are in our consciousness and also in our bodies!
I have good news for you! I also prepared the courses in Latvian so that I could study in my native language.
These are not just courses, projects - this is a LIFESTYLE ♥
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