Sieviete Radītāja

Šis projekts ir paredzēts sievietēm, kuras vēlas sajust vairāk sulīguma un apzinātības brīvības ikdienas dzīvē. Īpaši tām sievietēm, kuras:

Tātad, ja vēlies justies pašpārliecinātāks, būt atvērtāks gan prātā, gan ķermenī, sajust savu iekšējo spēku – šis kurss ir domāts tev!


Šis kurss ir pieejams arī angļu valodā. Noklikšķiniet šeit, lai skatītu sīkāku informāciju.

Transformējošās Meditācijas

Mediācijas sevis izzināšanai, izprasanai, dziedināšanai

Tad 3 dienu bezmaksas izmēģinājums



Eve Feminine Empire

become confident and empowered you

How can I help you?

I offer you a unique lifestyle! Respect for yourself and open love! Here you will find daily practices for physical body and mental lightness to develop self-growth, self-expression, self-confidence, free sexuality. To illuminate the full Self through both sexual energy and freedom of mind, to heal the emotional body, and to dance fearlessly. And just BE YOURSELF! 

Meditation programs

Pelvic activation / dancing programs

Deep muscle trainings/ REHABILITATION PROGRAM

Cardio and strenght trainings

Self-massage (bottom, chest, abdominal scars)

Emotional releasing programs

What clients say

"Thank you Ieva for this wonderful course! As a woman, I opened up like a butterfly with wings. My sexuality, my free body, became much braver. To give time to myself and to find and say thanks to myself that we are doing it. Meditation is a new discovery for me. Relationships and thinking are completely different. Here I learned to love myself and my body, don't be ashamed of myself, and be brave! Thanks"

Baiba Kazaka
"A perfect course to value your femininity, raise your sexuality, love yourself, move your hips, strengthen your body, learn and learn a lot of useful information from ieva. Very happy and grateful to interact."

Linda Valtere
"I am excited about ieva's project . I learned new features that improve my everyday life, mood, sexuality, control of emotions , I recommend every goddess to try this project so that her love for self returns and increases ..Oh those morning's dances, massages, meditations, breathing. .Powerfully"

Alina Sprukule

Hi, I’m Ieva Kirpa.

Certified Fitness trainer, with many years experience working with body and mind (from 2012):

I’m actually a BODY EXPLORER! I have always been interested in the reasons, WHY? Within the framework of my work, especially when performing massages, I have discovered many regularities between the human mind/emotions and the appearance of the body. I would like to remind you that we only have one BODY! Don’t bury it without experiencing its fantastic potential!

My Story

You won’t believe it, but I used to be very shy and really complexed a lot about my body. It was always difficult for me to express myself and I always felt guilty about something. When the intimacy started, omg.. so  awkward! Orgasm? What is that? I really thought that there are no such thing! I lived like that for a very long time – in shame, in silence and far from the truth!


When did I start to get out of shyness? In fact, when I became a fitness coach! At that moment, when I was conducting the lessons, my heart opened in excitement and I stumbled upon a completely different ME! Because it was (is) the kind of work I adored! Knowledge about the uniqueness of the body accumulated every year and I am grateful for each teacher and the atypical knowledge that came into my life! But the biggest changes in my life started before my son chose to move into this world (at the age of 26), when I finally started to dive into myself through psychosomatics, breathing and herbal medicine!


Then after 2 years, in 2019, I created my first project “WOMAN CREATOR” from the accumulated knowledge and practices, I managed new projects every month… And in each project, “doing myself” and hearing feedback, I experienced many revelations and gained new knowledge.


I began to develop more and more my healing techniques for harmonizing the body and improving health, and I also freed myself and many, many clients from sexuality blocks, feelings of shame, guilt and fear! And this path of development continues so beautifully! Now it seems that every year I live an even MORE ORGASMICAL life than ever!

  •        All this gave me the strength to go forward and also create a program for men – meditations and lectures “Let’s talk about women” (inside ig)
  •    Master classes for couples – “The touch that makes you melt”…


I want to fulfill MY and OTHER people’s lives!! That’s why I invite you to join my LIFESTYLE projects, It’s really about raising the quality of life in all aspects!


Sieviete Radītāja

Šis projekts ir paredzēts sievietēm, kuras vēlas sajust vairāk sulīguma un apzinātības brīvības ikdienas dzīvē. Īpaši tām sievietēm, kuras:

Tātad, ja vēlies justies pašpārliecinātāks, būt atvērtāks gan prātā, gan ķermenī, sajust savu iekšējo spēku – šis kurss ir domāts tev!


Šis kurss ir pieejams arī angļu valodā. Noklikšķiniet šeit, lai skatītu sīkāku informāciju.

Transformējošās Meditācijas

Mediācijas sevis izzināšanai, izprasanai, dziedināšanai

Tad 3 dienu bezmaksas izmēģinājums


Courses Pricing

Look for more programs? Here you can see all what u need. For good DEEP DIVING into YOURSELF.

Sieviete Radītāja

Šis projekts ir paredzēts sievietēm, kuras vēlas sajust vairāk sulīguma un apzinātības brīvības ikdienas dzīvē. Īpaši tām sievietēm, kuras:

Tātad, ja vēlies justies pašpārliecinātāks, būt atvērtāks gan prātā, gan ķermenī, sajust savu iekšējo spēku – šis kurss ir domāts tev!


Šis kurss ir pieejams arī angļu valodā. Noklikšķiniet šeit, lai skatītu sīkāku informāciju.

Transformējošās Meditācijas

Mediācijas sevis izzināšanai, izprasanai, dziedināšanai

Tad 3 dienu bezmaksas izmēģinājums


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